

Business Transformation

Transform. Evolve. Grow. Gain, better insight. Businesses today is driven by data generated across platforms and channels. We, at dharma.h take pride in enabling a well-connected ecosystem created through an array of integrated digital overlays. AI and data sciences combined with deep domain expertise, help create efficiently operating business functions, optimizing and running supply chains, designing and implementing technology, and building resilient operating models and cultures. Our solutions provide clients with digital strategy consulting, readiness assessment, and product implementation, and areas of other business functions, that fuel digital growth for businesses.

Omni Channel Reporting

Omni Channel focuses on performance measurement across the stage, channel, and behaviors to understand the influence and return for each channel. It helps provide moving insights on various KPI’s and trends collating information and data across sources and channels. It helps create reporting that shows the business impact, provides clear next steps and can be used across platforms for performance optimization, and fine-tuning your strategies to the next level.


BI Reporting

BI Reporting is Integrated real-time reporting and visualization. It is a unified view of data that is enriched and integrated from different sources. It provides insights into standardized KPIs across divisions, using harmonized data, to make project details easily comparable and facilitate automated data collection and reporting. Save money through improved efficiencies and strategic insights. It assists in mitigating risk by identifying difficult project situations early to act swiftly and consistently. It helps support complex financial decision-making and financial planning with high-quality, consistent data. Reduce employee workload and potential errors, allowing them to focus on more valuable activities. It assists in laying the foundation to create more sophisticated and innovative analytics and risk management capabilities. Multiple technologies and tools are used to deliver the next level in business intelligent data reporting and visualization.



  1. Engineering Services

    Dream. Build. Scale. Automate. Innovate. dharma.h has engineering rooted in our core DNA. With deep domain expertise, we help architect, build, optimize, and innovate application spaces for the future.

  2. Cloud & DevOps

    Scale Up. Scale-Out. Scale Right. Reimagine your business. dharma.h is AWS and GCP Cloud Partners. We enable cloud adoption, deployment, management, optimization, and security, empowering your business to scale.

  3. Business Transformation Services

    Transform. Evolve. Grow. Gain, better insight. dharma.h combines technology and deep domain expertise to answer impending, decision critical questions for your business. We assist better your digital strategy and other core functions of your business - empowering you in today's data-driven era.

  4. AI & ML

    Smarter Systems. More informed data-driven decisions. Improve productivity and response time. We design, build, architect data-driven intelligence to empower data classification, clustering, recommendation engines, generative frameworks, or predictions, and other use cases with the help of AI & ML. Enabling Intelligence at the core of your business.

  5. Interface and Experience Design

    Dream. Design. Deliver. Create disruptive end-user Experience. At dharma.h we utilize design thinking to create experience platforms for product design, packaging, social and other marketing content, websites and e-commerce, mobile applications, backends, data visualization platforms, and other user interaction interfaces. Dependable interfaces and interactions designed for personalization, detailed measuring, value-driven commerce, advanced analytics, and laser-focused targeting.

  6. Cyber Security

    Protect. Immunize. Vaccinate. Be Vigilant. Build secure systems. Protect infrastructure, system, data. dharma.h ensures proactive and adaptive approaches to building resilient systems with tailored implementations and deployment of relevant tools protecting the key assets of your core business. Empowering Security, enabling business continuity building resilience.

  7. Digital Marketing

    Technology. Marketing. Objective. Happily Married. Grow. Scale. Build. Reach Out. dharma.h with its technology DNA helps design and deliver better ROI, performance-driven marketing strategies, and campaigns. We build and execute tailored digital marketing strategies to address your core marketing objectives. Empowering your digital marketing, we enable businesses to achieve disruptive outreach.

  8. Research and Development

    Innovate. Develop. Conceptualize. Disrupt. dharma.h combines the power of innovative research and development alongside a deep understanding of Technology. Offering R&D as a service, we help create a proof of concept (POC‘s) and prototype new concepts and products. We enable businesses to create future breakthroughs and innovation with technology. At dharma.h we empower you to possibilities limitless.

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