Technology. Marketing. Objective. Happily Married. Grow. Scale. Build. Reach Out. Your business is unique. Your online marketing strategy should be too. We build and execute tailored digital marketing strategies that address your core marketing objective, be it to increase lifetime value for existing customers, increase reach to acquire new customers or create lasting connections with your audience. We use technology to deliver exciting, personalized experiences at scale, across online channels. dharma.h with its technology DNA helps design and deliver better, performance-driven objectives for your marketing campaigns.
Digtial Marketing
Digital Marketing empowers interaction and helps advertisers strike a dialogue with their customers. End-user experiences can now be extended into commerce, inquiry, or brand building and awareness. In today’s increasingly fragmented and commoditized world, filled with noise and overage of communication, standing out and reaching your Target Audience is the key to success.
At dharma.h, we help design, reimagine, optimize the right content, and orchestrate digital assets through different platforms for seamless targeted delivery that continually improves itself and helps supercharge the core marketing objective. We help achieve your business goals whether it’s lead generation, sales, conversions, demand activation, awareness, or another. We use AI-powered experiments, the latest in marketing technology, and aim to achieve the right content and spearhead accuracy of delivery by using the right channels and platforms to reach your target audience.
- Use latest madtech platforms and leverage AI enabled technology solutions, to deliver greater value.
- Generate qualified traffic by highlighting priority experiences based on demand, availability and customer affinity. We then optimize media interactions to deliver greater returns.
- Use customer intent and preferences to create personalized experiences and optimize investments.
- Help brands create exceptional consumer experiences by delivering relevant personalized content, harnessing the power of data and technology across media and platforms.
Optimization & Spend Analysis
Proactive thinking, transformative insights help create tangible outcomes. Myopic cross-platform data collation, processing, and insight into multiple metrics help identify snags and opportunities in digital spending. Automating continual analysis, anomaly detection, benchmarking performance, we at dharma.h help deliver better optimization on digital advertising spend. Using our latest proprietary reporting engine and other latest in technology analytics solutions, and other ai enabled madtech products, we are able to deliver better optimization and spend analysis across the platform. We use our business transformation services which integrates various facets of data to give a 360-degree view on Spend Analysis. We help answer questions such as lifetime value (LTV), attribution, customer margins, and profitability based on campaign source, and audience segment, and more.
- Reduce costs and increase performance
- Enable measurement and tracking across multiple channels and mapping them to customer data for more detailed insight and greater ROI.
- Granular insight into cross platform data sets and omni channel reporting for better optimization and spend analysis.
Advanced Analytics
The translation of customer behavior into actionable business data is measured using analytics. Multiple analytics platforms are used and integrated across applications and channels. Analytics thus draws the line between opinion and fact. There are many analytics measuring tools available. The correct implementation, customization, and choice of the tool help gather relevant statistical metrics which forms the basis of integrated insights. Analysis and measurements of metrics are later used as statistical measures to determine the success of various efforts as they relate to their overall goals and objectives. A/B analysis on a design or determining the depth of loss of engagement when filling up a form and other measures cross-platform and channels can be made with the help of the right integration, specification, and implementation of enhanced and advanced analytics across different virtual real estates.
- Map your analytics initiatives to quantifiable business outcomes with a data-driven approach.
- Identify, customize and integrate enhanced and the relevant analytics solution to collate relevant customer behavior data across channels and experience platforms.
Consultancy & Advisory
Essaying the role of digital marketing and eCommerce advisors our experts at dharma.h help you achieve your business goals. We optimize, expand, and better your digital marketing experience. We help with strategic planning, implementation, measurement, data collation, and identification of snags and opportunities to better your digital reach.
We take pride in our straightforward approach as we help answer questions such as choice of channels and platforms, fine-tuning of target segments, customization and personalization of content, delivery, and delivery platforms, analytics and measurements, use of tools and technology enablers, competition analysis, omnichannel reporting for getting better insights and other such queries. We also enable client teams and guide them in overseeing their digital ad operations and strategies.
- Help integrate right tools, identify bottlenecks and assist building a realistic strategy aimed at funneling growth.
- Consult in running of digital campaigns that are optimized for performance.
- dharma.h experts are always on call to help you reach your goals emboldened and equipped with rich industry experience to lead you through your digital ad strategy and implementation.
Engineering Services
Dream. Build. Scale. Automate. Innovate. dharma.h has engineering rooted in our core DNA. With deep domain expertise, we help architect, build, optimize, and innovate application spaces for the future.
Cloud & DevOps
Scale Up. Scale-Out. Scale Right. Reimagine your business. dharma.h is AWS and GCP Cloud Partners. We enable cloud adoption, deployment, management, optimization, and security, empowering your business to scale.
Business Transformation Services
Transform. Evolve. Grow. Gain, better insight. dharma.h combines technology and deep domain expertise to answer impending, decision critical questions for your business. We assist better your digital strategy and other core functions of your business - empowering you in today's data-driven era.
Smarter Systems. More informed data-driven decisions. Improve productivity and response time. We design, build, architect data-driven intelligence to empower data classification, clustering, recommendation engines, generative frameworks, or predictions, and other use cases with the help of AI & ML. Enabling Intelligence at the core of your business.
Interface and Experience Design
Dream. Design. Deliver. Create disruptive end-user Experience. At dharma.h we utilize design thinking to create experience platforms for product design, packaging, social and other marketing content, websites and e-commerce, mobile applications, backends, data visualization platforms, and other user interaction interfaces. Dependable interfaces and interactions designed for personalization, detailed measuring, value-driven commerce, advanced analytics, and laser-focused targeting.
Security Protect. Immunize. Vaccinate. Be Vigilant. Build secure systems. Protect infrastructure, system, data. dharma.h ensures proactive and adaptive approaches to building resilient systems with tailored implementations and deployment of relevant tools protecting the key assets of your core business. Empowering Security, enabling business continuity building resilience.
Digital Marketing
Technology. Marketing. Objective. Happily Married. Grow. Scale. Build. Reach Out. dharma.h with its technology DNA helps design and deliver better ROI, performance-driven marketing strategies, and campaigns. We build and execute tailored digital marketing strategies to address your core marketing objectives. Empowering your digital marketing, we enable businesses to achieve disruptive outreach.
Research and Development
Innovate. Develop. Conceptualize. Disrupt. dharma.h combines the power of innovative research and development alongside a deep understanding of Technology. Offering R&D as a service, we help create a proof of concept (POC‘s) and prototype new concepts and products. We enable businesses to create future breakthroughs and innovation with technology. At dharma.h we empower you to possibilities limitless.